Call for applications for student scholarships for the 2024/25 school year "MGI/Complete Genomics - Dr. Rade Drmanac"

The MGI/Complete Genomics company, in cooperation with the Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation, has announced a competition for awarding scholarships to students who, in October 2024 for the first time, enroll in first, second, or third-degree academic studies.

Eligible are students who enroll in:

  • University of Belgrade: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Mathematics and Faculty of Biology,
  • University of Kragujevac: Faculty of Science and Mathematics (all departments except Psychology), Faculty of Engineering Sciences (Computer Technology and Software Engineering, Bioengineering), Faculty of Technical Sciences (Computer and Software Engineering), Faculty of Medical Sciences (only for doctoral students),
  • University of Novi Sad: Faculty of Technical Sciences, from the academic studies Biomedical Engineering, Energy, Electronics and Telecommunications, Information Engineering, Computing and Automation, Software Engineering and Information Technologies, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Mathematics in Technology and Faculty of Science and Mathematics with academic studies Mathematics and Informatics, Physics, Chemistry, Biochemistry and Environmental Protection, Biology and Ecology.

The call is open until 15 June, 2024. More information and instructions for application are at the link 

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