Not long ago. Not far away. Today, 75 families live in the village of Tovrljane and the neighbouring villages. People decided to stay and live despite difficult conditions in the mountain village 30 km far from Prokuplje.
With the help of good people, they built the church and the school. After 25 years, the school bell rang again. Twelve students attend classes. Some of them are from more distant villages and come to study hard every day. They learn and want everything all children do.
They want their families to have enough to satisfy everyday needs. They want their families not to worry. They want to be happy. New Year is the time of bestowing, the time when we decide to open our hearts, the time when we can become a part of the happy ending of the Christmas story for the families in Tovrljane. We aim for each family to receive a package.
Let us prepare packages of basic foodstuff for 75 families before Christmas.
Stories with happy ending do exist. Be a part of the one with Jelena, Aleksandar, Andrijana, Stojan, Marija, Nikolina, Marina, Radmila, Rade, Dimitrije, Danica and Vladan.
Join us.
Be a part of the happy ending of the Christmas story - donate for Tovrljane.